Privacy Policy Statement
Effective date: February 2025

Your Privacy Matters to Us

Eagle Pointe Lodge is committed to the principles of openness and transparency. We understand your privacy rights and take them very seriously. We are committed to operational excellence and always want you to feel we have done everything possible to keep your information accurate, up-to-date, and safe.

Our policies and procedures are designed to limit the collection of personal information to only what is necessary to provide you with your requested services. We may contact you from time to time to ensure we have the correct personal information about you. We encourage you to review your profile when you stay with us and update us on anything you feel is inaccurate.

We also understand that your information is your information. You have the right to access your personal information any time, notwithstanding legal restrictions.

If you believe there is something we are not complying with regarding your personal information, you have the right to challenge our privacy practices. We are committed to getting it right.

Please read our privacy statement carefully to understand how we collect, use and disclose your personal information. Our Privacy Policy adheres to Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).

The Personal Information We Collect

Eagle Pointe Lodge is committed to limiting its collection of personal information to only what is necessary to provide you with your booking and reservation accommodation. We may collect some or all of the following:

  • Your full name
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • Date of Birth
  • Eye colour
  • Height
  • Boot size
  • Rain gear size
  • Food preferences
  • Medical conditions
  • Emergency contact
  • Special occasions

When booking with us

Eagle Pointe Lodge will only collect the personal information required to identify you as an individual, such as your e-mail address, name, home or work address, and telephone number, to provide you with your booking and reservation needs. We may collect additional information if you have requested fishing and hunting accommodations, such as eye colour, date of birth, rain gear and shoe size, or inquiry about the existence of a medical condition(s), if any, to provide you with requested services during your stay with us and to comply with legal obligations. Therefore, the personal information we hold may vary depending on the services you booked with us.

Interacting with our website

We may collect non-sensitive personal information about how you use our Site, such as browsing patterns, materials viewed or downloaded, the frequency and duration of visits, and your source Internet Protocol address. We do this to improve our website and the services we provide to you.

Interacting with our third-party processors

We do not collect or process your Credit or Debit card data; we use a certified PCI Compliant third-party provider to administer cardholder processing, including payments at our gift shops.

Electronic Newsletter

Our electronic Newsletter highlights periodic news updates, special offers, and other information regarding Eagle Pointe Lodge. We require your consent to join our mailing lists using the forms available on our website or other means authorized by Eagle Pointe Lodge. If you are enrolled to receive our electronic Newsletter but wish to discontinue receiving it, an unsubscribe link is included at the bottom of every email, where you can opt out anytime.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We use your personal information only to provide you with your selected accommodations and limit our use and access to only what is necessary for the purposes described in this Policy.

If you choose to stay with us or have enquired about staying with us, Eagle Pointe Lodge may use your personal information to:

  • Contact you about your existing or upcoming reservation to help manage your account registration with us or to help with any special requests;
  • Provide you with our electronic Newsletter; 
  • Help with research and analysis in the use of our Site to promote Website enhancements; and
  • Contact you when your registration expires, our Site has changed, or we have changed how you interact with us (user account privileges, Site changes, etc.).
Limiting Sharing and Disclosure of Your Personal Information

We do not sell or trade personal information, and we limit how and to whom we share it. For example, if you have notified us about food or dietary restrictions or have consented to have your story or picture taken to be published in our Newsletter, we must share your personal information with those service providers who assist us in fulfilling our obligations to you.

In this instance, we would only share this personal information with those who need to know. For example, our food and hospitality team needs to know about your food/dietary restrictions to ensure your needs are met. Our News publisher would need to be provided with your story and picture to have the information published.

Safeguarding Your Personal Information

Eagle Pointe Lodge uses several security safeguards to protect your personal information according to its sensitivity. We use operational, administrative, and technical security safeguards to ensure the level of security surrounding your personal information is at or exceeding industry standards.

We use standardized forms designed to collect the minimum amount of personal information required to fulfill our services and accommodations to you, ensuring we protect your profile by not collecting additional information about you. From time to time, we may contact you to confirm your personal information is accurate and up to date. We retain your personal information for a maximum of 24 months.

Addressing Privacy Concerns

Contact Us


Mailing address:
Suite 1200, 630 – 3 Ave SW Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 4L4